National Pancake Day

It’s the long awaited question: Waffles or Pancakes?

National Pancake Day is an annual event where Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals partner with IHOP to raise funds and awareness about CNM Hospitals. Individuals dining in the restaurant can receive a free short stack of pancakes and are encouraged to donate to CMNH in return. I was able to attend this event and help raise funds by educating individuals in the restaurant about the importance of children’s hospitals. As an Intern at Seacrest Studios located in Levine Children’s Hospital, I worked one-on-one with patients and their families to help patients find an escape from their hospital walls. I was happy to see the IHOP staff wearing official CMNH Levine shirts and was able to work alongside Laura Skinner, Senior Development Officer at Atrium Health during the event!

As you can see from the photos above, I also participated and got my own short stack!