Robin’s Nest Daycare

I had such an amazing time visiting Robin’s Nest Daycare and spending time with all of the sweet kids! I was also able to lead them in a STEM education activity with lima bean sprouts and also got to spend time painting nails. Overall, It was an amazing feeling being back doing what I love.

Lima Bean Sprout STEM Education Project:


  • A plastic zip baggie (We used a sandwich size baggie, but a quart-size baggie works, too.)
  • One paper towel (damp)
  • A few bean seeds (2-3 lima beans.)
  • Tape (optional)


  • Place your damp paper towel in the bag
  • Place your lima beans in the bag, make sure they are touching the wet paper towel
  • Zip the bag so that the contents don’t fall out
  • Tape or place the bag in a sunny window
  • Check back after 2-3 days and see if your bean has sprouted!