College Panhellenic Council- Vice President of Judicial and Programming

The first position I had ever held on Winthrop’s greek council was the position VP of Judicial and Programming. With this position, I was the general vice president, but also was required to create mandatory educational programming for Winthrop’s female greek community and uphold the CPC bylaws and constitution as the judicial chairman.

During this position, I was proud to bring unique programming to Winthrop. Before the pandemic cut our school year short, I was able to host three in person events that educated Winthrop greek women, and served our local community. My first programming event was created around educating young women about my social impact initiative. I had Kelly Kashmer, Founder of NothingPink come and share her story of how finding out she was BRCA positive led to her discovering she had already developed stage 2 triple negative breast cancer. Kelly shared that without genetic testing, her cancer never would have been discovered. This event was special to me as it was the first time I had publicly shared my BRCA1 diagnosis. The love and support I felt from my fellow Panhellenic sisters was overwhelming, and I was happy that they all left eager to learn more about their genetic health.

The second event I hosted was centered around women’s safety on campus. I invited our campus police to speak with Winthrop’s greek women about how to stay safe on campus. At the end, I opened the floor for individuals to voice concerns they had about their individual safety on campus and have certain questions answered. For my last event, I partnered with the Panhellenic Philanthropy Chairman, Stacey Keller, to create the first annual CPC Day of Service (pictured above.) Our goal was for the day of service to benefit our local Rock Hill community. We decided to partner with the Children’s Attention Home of Rock Hill, a foster care home for young children and teens. For the event, we had Holly Bishop, Outreach Coordinator for the home come and speak to the greek community about the work the attention home does. We then packed “snack bags” for the children from individually packaged snacks (chex-mix, apple sauce, granola bars) from donated items we had collected the week leading up to the event. Im proud to say that we packed over 300 snack bags to donate to the Children’s Attention Home!