National Cancer Survivor Day

In honor of National Cancer Survivors Day I want to share the story of the brave, strong woman that is my grandmother.❤️

My Nana is a two time breast cancer survivor and ovarian cancer survivor. Growing up, I watched her struggle fighting the monster that is cancer. Between chemotherapy, radiation, and multiple surgeries, she never once stopped being our selfless grandmother who picked us up from school and treated us to Hardee’s milkshakes or homemade cooked meals.❤️

In 2009 my Nana was genetically tested and found positive for the BRCA1 genetic mutation, which had helped cause the cancers she suffered through. Being a young child, I wasn’t told of this information due to my father also testing positive, meaning I had a 50% chance of inheriting this mutation.

When I think of my initiative #PowerInPrevention I think of women like my grandmother who could have prevented these cancers if they had known their risk and undergone preventative surgeries.
My grandmother is the embodiment of #Stronger and I’m so lucky to still have her in my life. ❤️